Andrea Yankah

i am

Andrea Yankah

Empowering Black Futures: Education as the Key to Liberation

Educator, Activist: Lets change the world together

The Vision

As Paulo Freire said, “Education either functions as an instrument for conformity, or it becomes the practice of freedom, enabling people to critically and creatively engage with the world and transform it.” The need for a transformation in our education system is undeniable. Mass education is outdated, and at its worst, it perpetuates oppressive structures.

From early childhood to adult education, it’s time for a change. I envision a system that fosters critical thinking and empowers individuals and communities to take control of their futures.

The Why

The truth is simple: those who benefit from oppressive systems won’t be the ones to change them. We must save ourselves. Education is the gateway to freedom and health, but this new system must be built by the people it serves.

The INTENT framework is a dynamic system I’ve developed through years of study, teaching, and research. It guides me as a parent, an educator, and my personal growth. Now, I’m sharing it with you, so you can take intentional, practical steps toward transforming how your child is educated, your own life, and the world around you.

The How

This belief is the driving force behind everything I do—my approach to education, parenting, and research. It has inspired me to create the INTENT framework, which focuses on intentional actions in all aspects of life.

I am also working to establish the Nea Onnim Research Institute, a think tank that brings together researchers from multiple disciplines to design systems that help us move closer to this Utopian vision.

Join the Movement

I collaborate with parents, educators, and professionals who are committed to building a better tomorrow. Together, we can create INTENTional, lasting change for all to thrive.


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You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

~ Kahlil Gibran

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Intentional Pedagogy

Intentional Pedagogy andreayankah September 21, 2024 Recent Posts Intentional PedagogySeptember 21, 2024 ActivismSeptember 21, 2024 ParentingSeptember 21, 2024 Categories INTENTional Activism INTENTional Parenting INTENTional...


Activism andreayankah September 21, 2024 Recent Posts Intentional PedagogySeptember 21, 2024 ActivismSeptember 21, 2024 ParentingSeptember 21, 2024 Categories INTENTional Activism INTENTional Parenting INTENTional Pedagogy...


Parenting andreayankah September 21, 2024 Recent Posts Intentional PedagogySeptember 21, 2024 ActivismSeptember 21, 2024 ParentingSeptember 21, 2024 Categories INTENTional Activism INTENTional Parenting INTENTional Pedagogy...